Sunday, March 6, 2011

Can MySpace be Tailored Trendy?

In fashion, everything old is new again. Take the bell bottom pant, for instance, spring 2011 runways saw the reemergence of this and many other groovy 1970’s inspired fashion trends. In a sea of impossibly tight skinny jeans, bell bottoms and trousers now offer a fresh step in a new direction.  My question is this: Can MySpace make a comeback akin to the bell bottom pant, or is it destined to be labeled as the “mom jean”?
The downfall of MySpace began in 2008 when Facebook became the social media network of choice.  At this point, Facebook became the ultra-chic skinny jean to be either dressed up and worn with incredibly luxurious Christian Louboutin peep-toe pumps, or made casually trendy with Tory Burch flats. Unfortunately, MySpace morphed into the “mom jean” at the same time that Facebook became fashionable.   Facebook, like the skinny jean, became the latest and greatest trend in social networking. Yet unlike most trends, this Facebook phase did not pass.
Currently, MySpace faces a decrease in visitors and traffic to its site and Facebook continues to be the chic way to network. How did MySpace get to the point where many cringe at the thought of using this as their main networking site, just as they cringe at the thought of ever wearing ”mom jeans”? Facebook went out of its way to encourage growth, welcoming parents and grandparents, while MySpace settled with high school students making up their majority. Today, Facebook flourishes as a place for business networking and socializing with both long lost friends and the best of friends. MySpace, on the other hand struggles to find a balance between attracting users and providing a music and artist friendly atmosphere. 
News Corp. has recently reported that they have begun the process of selling MySpace. With reportedly 20 interested buyers, many hope that the ultimate buyer will find a way to increase MySpace’s popularity. Although it will not be easy, I believe that bringing back the MySpace trend is possible if they join forces with another social media network and focus on the positive aspects of their network. For instance, MySpace has always been considered the network of choice for entertainers because of the ability to stream music and incorporate individualistic aspects on each page. With Facebook, almost every page has the same generic layout which does not showcase an entertainer’s creativity.
In November, Facebook and MySpace announced that they would join forces to link the two services by providing entertainment updates on MySpace based on Facebook preferences. This partnership could be a vital step in the right direction allowing both networks to benefit from one another just as a fashion designer benefits from a celebrity wearing their dress on the red carpet. This partnership would also allow for MySpace to zone in and focus on what they do best by highlighting their ability to provide entertainment.
In social media networking, can something old become new and hip again?  Let’s hope for MySpace’s sake that they can be tailored to transition from the uncool “mom jean” to the super trendy bell bottom pant. Maybe one day soon MySpace will hold their head up high and walk the runway alongside other social media networks as a supermodel. One thing’s for sure, anything is possible with a great tailor and a positive attitude which means that I will hold on to my old MySpace page with the hope that one day it comes back into fashion.   


  1. Kelcy Anne, I really liked how you compared the social media networks to fashion. I think it was a really creative way to look at Myspace's problem. Although you say that hopefully Myspace can become the super trendy bell bottom pant, don't you worry that it will also go out of style as with most trends and then Myspace would be back in the same situation that it is now? I believe it was very smart for Myspace and Facebook to join together to make it easy on their users, but Myspace's website to begin with is not user-friendly. I also have a Myspace page, so when talking about this subject on my blog I decided to sign into my account, which I haven't for a long time, and see how the website is doing now. I was really disappointed to learn how complicated they have made things to do now and I think that this will ultimately become their downfall. Also, Myspace is not taking advantage of their ability for advertisements as Facebook does by placing advertisements that are relevant to the user. Overall, I think that Myspace needs to become more able to be synced with Facebook and Twitter. Twitter isn't mentioned as often, but it has become a huge outlet for people to use, including celebrities. Personally, I do not have a Twitter account and have no interest in it, but for Myspace to gain more users, I believe that they should look into partnering up with them because there are so many users on Twitter. Most of all though, Myspace will never make it unless they decide to make their network and website more user-friendly.

  2. I believe that Myspace is still a huge business. Like trends they come and go. Who knows if facebook is going to come and go. Some people turn off their facebook because it becomes addictive. Maybe if myspace took an effort and really concentrates on a single market, that might just work for them. Myspace still has followers and those are their true followers. Just like fashion these social networks may come and go. But old trends always come back, so maybe Myspace still has a chance.
